Fields of application

Production of tree substrates

When planting trees, it is important to have a good nutrient soil at your disposal. Tree substrates can significantly enhance the soil and thus lead to better growth. The biochar in these substrates serves as a nutrient and water reservoir. Many success stories have already been reported. In Sweden, for example, substrates based on biochar are used in inner-city tree planting.

Raw material

Processing damaged wood

As a result of the drought in the forests and a high level of pest infestation, large quantities of damaged wood have accumulated in recent years. Unfortunately, this trend will probably persist in the future.

The accrued damaged wood is suitable as a cheap raw material for pyrolysis into biochar.

Tree bark

pyrolysis plant forestry

Tree bark, chips and other materials that accrue in forestry can also be processed into valuable biochar. Either in pure form or mixed with other materials such as lumpy damaged wood.

Use in composting plants